Travel the many eras of NewJeans as your selected bias on an exciting quest. Complete each event, unlock every skin bundle, and find the required items!

Bunnies Quest MOBILE (Trailer)


Creator & Designer: YeaJC

Developer: Daniawf

Music: Elzish Two

Music: Gigandect

Co-Writer: Nate Younan



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yeajc/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@.yeajc


Itch.io: https://daniawf.itch.io/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dani.awf/

Elzish Two

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@elzishtwo

Nate Younan

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealsomniac/ 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@therealsomniac?lang=en

Bunnies Quest

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@newjeans_videogame

Support NewJeans

Official Website: https://newjeans.kr/

US Shop: https://shop.newjeans-official.us/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newjeans_official/?hl=en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewJeans_ADOR

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@newjeans_official?lang=en

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
Tags8-Bit, bunniesquest, kpop, newjeans, newjeans-game, newjeans-video-game

Development log


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This game is so cute!


I absolutely love the game but i kinda hate u gotta restart if u fail but it still is a very great game!

hiii! i am (idk if im really) stuck into a screen that is just a white line. Is It normal? 


Hi, thank you for commenting. Try refreshing or playing on another device. That white line is the game being loaded, so your device might not have enough data/storage to run it.


hello!! thank you for this beautiful game! what progress is being automatically saved if we restart after 3 attempts? or does it only save as long as we progress?

Yes, everything you have earned will be saved automatically even after closing the game. However, you will lose all progress if you fail an event 3 times.

thank you!!! I'm so excited for the future updates!!

what does the blue star in ditto map do?

+250 Tokki Coins


omg i have to alert my bunny friends!! brb


This was so fun and the music was so nice. It was a little frustrating but It was worth it when I bought all the cute skins!

This was so much fun! I love the game and especially how it would restart progress so the game wasn't too easy. I think if you were going to add anything you should add a map creator so we could make maps and publish them so other people could play them. Great game though!


i dont know whats wrong but when i played the attention map the objective says 5 carrots and 50 coins but i remembered it was 1 carrot and 1 cookie it said i done the 5 carrots but i didnt complete the 50 coins even tho i collected 100+ tokki coins in that event and it took away one try


on the 2nd try it still said 5 carrots and 50 coins so i exited and tried again. it was back to normal but i only had 1 life left


Sorry to hear that. Working to have it fixed soon!


Love the game. Reminds me back when I used to rage on Mario Kart, Temple run, jetpack joyride back in the day. Took me bout 5 days to beat it but I did it. All the maps unique but my top 2 would have to be Grannys Farm and Tokki Town. I like that its not too easy and you really gotta lock in so you dont go back to the main screen and lose all your progress. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FEATURE I REPEAT DO NOT CHANGE THIS FEATURE. If anybody has a problem with that then they just suck. Overall solid game amazing design. Need it on mobile ! 


i keep loosing my progress going back on it


You only get three attempts to complete each event

You'll have to restart the game from the beginning if you aren't able to.

yeah I meant when I did the events and stuff and went back on the game it just made me re do the whole game is it supposed to do that 

so cute!! love the game <3 i was wondering if u could add a button that would make the game full-screen? its a bit hard for me to see but the game is rlly good 

a bit of a problem i noticed, i was progressing until tokki town and won but the next level said i needed to play as hanni so i went back and played tokki town but forgot that my character was still hyein. i exited and it restarted the whole game :(

Sorry to hear that. Exiting an event will make you lose an attempt. If it weren't that way, players would be able to exit when they are about to fail and have unlimited attempts.

ohh okok, i understand

Full-screen should be enabled soon!

Hiii the game is super fun!!! could u maybe add more songs to listen to i the future?? like cookie or cool with you? and maybe more skins/level i have so many coins and cant use them.. maybe u could put songs in the shop to buy with coins thatd be cool!! but  the game overall is great, love it!!

Thank you and we are planning to add more in future updates!


Could you please put lives that recharge? With coins or wait time, it is annoying that when your lives run out everything restarts (;´д`)ゞ

That's the challenging part of the quest. You only get a certain amount of attempts 😉

When is this gonna be on mobile 😭😭😭😭😭 I don’t have a PC and this looks so cute and fun to play 😢😢

(1 edit)

It will eventually be on mobile, but there is no confirmed date yet. Try to stay patient!

Not working, it say's "The connection was reset."

Itch.io seems to be having a connection reset. Hopefully you'll be able to play it soon!


i loved this game , it was fun to play and not too hard (u‿ฺu✿ฺ)


It doesn't let me enter the game, it tells me that it's not made for my device and that I should add it to a collection and I've already done it and nothing...

It's only playable on pc as of right now, but it will be playable on mobile devices in the future!

the full screen isnt working yet? cuz its not working for me TT

It should be fixed in the next patch!

Deleted 240 days ago

Game progress saves automatically!